We are aware of an issue in Online and Mobile Banking where transaction history is not loading. Our team is working hard to resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are aware of an issue in Online and Mobile Banking where transaction history is not loading. Our team is working hard to resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are aware of an issue in Online and Mobile Banking where transaction history is not loading. Our team is working hard to resolve the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Bill Pay

Bill Pay

Bill Pay

Quick & Secure

Using Bill Pay you can quickly and securely pay your bills from your checking account. When you pay your bills online, you eliminate the hassle of writing and mailing checks. Plus you’ll know exactly when your payment is scheduled to be made. Keep track of your finances with an at-a-glance list of your pending and recent payments, as well as payee details of your scheduled and recurring payments. It’s all there.

Online Bill Pay Video
West Bank’s Free Online Bill Pay

Get access to these great features


Search for vendors

Add new vendors simply by typing in the company name. If a match is found in the database, the vendor's information will be added automatically. No more hunting down mailing addresses! Simply enter your account number and add your bills to be paid.


Schedule payments by the due date

The product allows you to enter the date you would like your vendor to receive your payment, and we take care of getting it there on time!


Make recurring payments

Eliminate the hassle of paying your monthly bills by setting up recurring payments. This is a great option for payments that don't change from month to month - such as your car payment or mortgage.


Send money to family and friends

Send money to family and friends. Make personal payments with a few clicks, no more checks or fumbling for cash.


Keep your money with you

Your money will remain in your bank account until the day you select the payment be made to your vendor.


Set up reminders

Never make a late payment again! When you set up reminders, you'll receive a message telling you when your payment is due.


Pay from multiple checking accounts

Choose which checking account to pay your bills from.


See it all at a glance!

The Payment Center lets you make payments and view pending payments, recent payments and bill reminders all on the same screen.

Signing up for Online Bill Pay is easy!

First, sign up for Online Banking, then login to your account and select the ‘Payments’ button. Simply follow the instructions onscreen and enroll in our Bill Pay service.

Learn more about Online Banking from our FAQ.

Bill Pay is a bill payment service offered through CheckFree Services Corp., a subsidiary of Fiserv Solutions, Inc.

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